Clixe's - Wyckoff, New Jersey
oil on prepared panel
5" x 7"
This is a portrait of Clixes roadside hot dog stand located in Wyckoff. This place is about 4 blocks away from my house and has closed up shop after 57 years in business. I can just imagine what Wyckoff was like back then, mostly celery farms and trees. It must have been idyllic. I believe our house was only a few years old at the time with just a smattering of other houses around.
I used to love to go in here for a quick dog or four and chat with the owners and customers. I remember one specific time here that I shall never forget. We had just moved into our home (our very first), and after a few weeks of setting up my new studio I was ready for my very first day of serious painting. Anyone who is an Artist will tell you that changing studios is one of the most traumatic and difficult things that you can do. It is an odd feeling to try and be creative in a new space after many years of comfort and security in an old studio. As I sat down at the easel, I proceeded to turn all my lights on along with the stereo system. At that exact moment, all the power went out. I thought, sh*t, I blew out the electrical system in the house! As I looked out the front window I noticed that all the power was out on the block. Did I just blow out the electricity to all of Wyckoff? As I started to panic, I jumped in the car and headed out to Clixes to see what was going on. They were so kind and welcoming to me there, offering me coffee and conversation. It was one of those very personal and special moments that only occur a few times in a life. I will always have fond memories of this wonderful place.
p.s. It was a blown transformer, not me who blew out the power. Hey, what the heck did I know? I was used to apartment living! I still can't change a lightbulb without some help!