Westwood- Westwood Gallery is pleased to present original paintings, and newly released prints, by Mark Oberndorf in an exhibit opening Sunday, March 20th with a reception for the artist from 1 – 5 PM. The gallery is free and open to the public and the exhibit will continue through April 20th. Westwood Gallery is located at 10 Westwood Avenue and is open 10-6 Tuesday thru Saturday. For more information call 201 666 1800 or online at westwoodartgallery.com
Mark Oberndorf captures the disappearing American landscape that dates from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, the golden era of
Diners, Drive-ins and urban signage. While exact in their observation of light and reflection, from the glowing neon to the reflective chrome, his work is not photorealist. Rather, they are in the genre tradition of street scenes, first mastered by painters like Vermeer, whose own use of camera obscura pre dates photorealism by 300 years. The paintings document the effects of time and weather, but even through the rust and burnt out neon, his subjects still recall the optimism and spirit of Post war America. As a cultural icon, you really haven’t reached landmark status until painted by Oberndorf, and he has all the legends of New York and New Jersey, from White Manna to Katz’s, Hiram’s to Rutt’s Hut and Bendix Diner. In many cases, Mark’s paintings are all that remains of these icons of brick and mortar, as developers and local sign ordinances have taken their toll in the “mall-ification” of America.