Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dairy Queen

oil on prepared panel

5" x 7"


This piece depicts the old Dairy Queen in Montvale, New Jersey.
After scarfing down many a butterfinger/oreo blizzard at this place, I got to know the owner who happens to be an avid collector of all things DQ. I love going into the back of this shop and looking through all his old photographs, showing how this place looked in the 1950's,60's and 70's. It's fascinating to see how this place has evolved over time, yet stayed pretty much the same. I know for a fact that this is the original sign from way back when. I don't think that the DQ colors have been blue and white for quite some time. This place is a classic, a landmark that everyone in Bergen County knows. Let's hope it stays there for many years (and blizzards) to come!

Thanks again for looking!

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Blue Castle System

oil on prepared panel

5" x 7"


This is the Blue Castle System diner in Passaic, New Jersey.
I usually go into these places to have a small bite, shoot the breeze with the owners and employees and observe everything that I can. With this lovely location, I was very hesitant to even enter. The clientel were a little scary looking, and I wouldn't dare attempt to eat anything prepared there. That being said, it sure makes for a nice little painting from outside.
I was on one of my fact finding missions early one summer Sunday morning, and I just came across this charming old place and was totally knocked over by it. Some subjects just scream out to me....this was surely one of those times. I did a much larger version of this piece a few months back which is available for purchase through Kerygma Gallery in Ridgewood, New Jersey.

Thanks for looking!

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Egg Platter

Oil on prepared panel

5" x 7"


This is the second in my series of postcard paintings available for purchase on EBAY.
This piece depicts the Egg Platter diner in Clifton, New Jersey.
I love the hours of operation at this place, 10 pm to 3 pm. I would guess that the patrons of this place have quite a few interesting stories to tell. I love just going in to places such as this and observing the employees and customers. Such a fascinating slice of American blue collar life.

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

White Manna Hamburgers

This is the first of my series of "postcard paintings" that will be available for purchase on EBAY.

Dimensions are 5" x 7"

Oil on prepared panel.

Thanks for looking!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Postcard Paintings 4

I'm doing some last minute preparations before I go live with these little paintings. It looks like I will start the first auction next Tuesday, November 21 at 9:00 p.m. EST.

I appreciate everyone's feedback and hope you enjoy seeing these pieces.

Lastly, I would like to thank my wife for all her support and years of extreme patience with my Artist craziness.
I could never have achieved any of this without her, and I am so incredibly lucky to have her as my partner through so many ups and downs.
I love you Donna, more than you will ever know.

Back to the easel I go...................

Monday, November 06, 2006

Postcard Paintings III

I will be going live on ebay with my small paintings in one week. I shall start the auctions at 9:00 pm EST and will set each auction for the duration of 7 days. My plan is to offer one painting every 2 or 3 days.

Thanks again for your interest.

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