Sunday, November 28, 2010

Park Luncheonette - Williamsburg, Brooklyn - NY

Completed painting

oil on linen

8" x 28"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kohr's - Seaside Heights, NJ

First stage of underpainting complete.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


THIS will be the last post for weeks...

Due to some technical glitches at google and blogger, you can no longer just hit "reply" to my emails from the blog. If you want to reply to my emails, you will have to cut and paste my email address or forward the message to my email, which is

I'm going to the Ranger game tonight, and if this doesn't get fixed by google soon, I will be jumping off the GW bridge!!!

Barber Shop - Cobble Hill, Brooklyn - NY

Last post for a couple of weeks, I promise!!!

If anyone on my mailing list can please let me know that you got this one, and that it did not end up in the spam folder, I would be very appreciative!!!

Park Luncheonette - Williamsburg, Brooklyn - NY

I apologize for the multiple emails, but I have been having MAJOR problems with the blog linking to my mailing list. I have been working on a fix for this for over a week, and think I have corrected the problem.

The Hawthorne Theatre painting is completed.
oil on linen
8" x 28"

The Luncheonette painting is in the second stage of underpainting.

I found this place while riding my bicycle around Williamsburg. It turns out that this location was used in the opening scene of "The Departed", an Oscar winning masterpiece by Martin Scorcese. The scene is when Jack Nicholson first meets Matt Damon's character as a child. Later in the movie, a scene where Leo DiCaprio's character kicks the crap out of 2 guys was also shot here.

I just finished underpainting another one today, the subject being an old barber shop located in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. I'll post an image of it as it nears completion.
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