Friday, September 24, 2010

Noodle Bar - NYC, NY

Sorry 'bout that!!!

Noodle Bar and Corner Deli - NYC, NY

The Corner Deli was established in 1932, and that's pretty much all the info that I can find about the place. It is now a very good Mexican restaurant, located at Kenmare and Cleveland Streets in Lower Manhattan. I'm very glad that they had the good sense to leave the old sign up.

The Noodle Bar is a relatively new establishment, but I just love the sign.
It happens to be located right next door to Trattoria Spaghetto on Carmine Street in Manhattan. I did this painting of TS in 1996, and now 14 years later I am doing a painting of the place next door. Totally coincidental that these places are directly next door to one another. I guess over the course of so many years and paintings, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I am going to Los Angeles next week for a few days and will be visiting one of my all time favorite painters, Adam Normandin. Very excited to finally meet Adam and see his studio. I think he is one of the very best artists working today. He does incredible paintings of freight trains that are just top flight!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Artkraft Strauss - NYC, NY

First stage of underpainting complete...

This building has been at 12th Avenue between 57th and 56th Streets in Manhattan since 1897. This company is best known for their spectacular electric and neon sign displays found most notably in Times Square. They also are responsible for the very first New Year's Eve ball that drops at midnight every year. This painting doesn't look like much at this point, but will be very painterly when completed. Lots of brickwork and grimy old broken windows, two things I can't get enough of.

On the Artkraft Strauss website there are over 3000 images of their signage, which I find fascinating. It's like a history lesson in neon.

Artkraft Strauss website

Friday, September 17, 2010

DeRobertis Pastry Shoppe - NYC, NY

Completed painting......

oil on linen

8" x 28"

Thursday, September 09, 2010

DeRobertis' Pastry Shoppe - NYC, NY

First stage of underpainting complete...

First established in 1904, this great bakery has been owned and operated by 4 generations of the same family.

It is located on 1st Avenue between 10th and 11th Streets in Manhattan.

I have 8 more of these sign paintings ready to go and will have the 7 that are completed and as many as I can finish by November in the annual holiday show at Kerygma Gallery. I will post the dates when they are released.
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