I am still having problems with this blog linking to my mailing list. If anyone has replied to the last couple of my blog posts, and I did not respond to you, please forgive me. I am not ignoring your comments, I just have not received them! If you would like to respond to any future posts, please do not just hit reply. Please open a new message and email me directly at obern@optonline.net
I love hearing what you all have to say regarding these blog posts, and I miss seeing your comments.
If you have a chance please email me if you in fact received this particular post.
There seems to be a problem with delivery of these messages. Some people are getting these posts, and others are not. What a major pain in the ass this is! I will continue to work on fixing this, and I really do appreciate all the nice comments you all have made on my work in the past.
FYI....these are some old paintings that I never posted to my blog.
p.s. If any of my artist pals are out there reading this, and you use the same blogger to google group linkup, please tell me how to fix this problem before I go nuts!!!! Thanks!