White Manna III

oil on prepared panel
5" x 7"
This painting will be included in my upcoming one person show at Kerygma gallery.
This is the next in what seems to be an ongoing series of paintings of the iconic White Manna hamburger stand located in Hackensack, New Jersey.
I can't get enough of this place for some reason. I drive past it a few times a week on my way to hockey practice and am drawn to it each and every time. It is just so paintable to me. I enjoy painting this place every time I do it. Artists usually have what we call a "motif #1" within their oeuvre. That is, a subject that they continually go back to throughout the years.....Monet had his water lillies, Van Gogh had sunflowers, Duane Keiser has peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Karin Jurick has people looking at Art in museums, Neil Hollingsworth has cherries and I have the White Manna. I can't explain it and I don't really think it needs an explanation. It's my Art.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Thanks for looking!
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