Church In Snow

oil on prepared panel
6" x 6"
This painting is of a wonderful old church located in Maywood, New Jersey. I was driving along Maywood Avenue on this day as I have done countless other days, except that I happened to glance over at this church and was totally awestruck by it. I don't know why I never really noticed this church on prior drive pasts, but on this day I was pulled to it by some force greater than myself. I had to screech to a stop, pull the car over and photograph and sketch this chapel on the spot. I firmly believe that I am drawn to certain subjects for reasons I can't even begin to explain. I think I shall be painting many more churches in the months ahead.
One other interesting point regarding this piece... I was applying the finishing touches on the cross at the apex of the building at about 7:00 one morning this past Christmas week, and happened to look up over my easel out through my front studio window to see one of the most heartstopping sunrises that I have ever witnessed. I was totally mesmerized and awestruck once again by this display of natural beauty. I am totally convinced that something much greater than myself is guiding me through my painting career. I have been put on this planet to do what I do and that is about as powerful a feeling as any human being can hope to ever experience.
Thanks for looking!
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