If you will indulge me for a moment, I have to write down some random ramblings.......First of all, because I am an obsessive nutjob, I got to the location at 7:00 AM only to wait until the workers showed up at 11:00. (I had no idea when they were scheduled to get there.)
Okay, so the guys proceed to climb up the ladders in the 95 degree heat to start installing this thing, when I realized that as they were unfurling it that it was in fact not my image, but one of the other contestants winning entries! My heart sank like a rock at that point. Then, I start yelling up to them that it is the wrong billboard. (I have to say that these 3 guys were some of the nicest people you would ever want to meet.) They called the home office of CBS outdoor and after some explaining, the sales rep for my billboard actually loaded the correct one into his car and drove it to the location where it was supposed to be installed. This was an amazingly kind thing for this man to do for me. I have nothing but praise for the 4 of you gentlemen who helped put this together for me this morning! As you can see, everything worked out in the end, and I am thrilled beyond words over this! I can't tell you how surreal it was to watch this billboard go up! Wow! I have to find out what happens to the billboard once it comes down in about 4 weeks. I would love to have it so that I can hang it on the side of my house! I'm sure the neighbors will be thrilled about that!
So, that closes this chapter in my very interesting art career......Thanks again to everyone who took the time to vote for my paintings, to Palisades Insurance Company for sponsoring this and to CBS outdoor for a job well done!!! Now I can finally get back to the easel and finish this Miss America painting!
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